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Company News

Apex Wheels: A new logo, and what to expect

Article | 09/27/2023 by Apex Wheels

Updated on 08/06/2024

We’re excited to announce a new logo for Apex Wheels!

In the 16 years Apex has been engineering high performance wheels, we’ve evolved from a one man passion project to a full team of like-minded enthusiasts dedicated to delivering real performance wheels. As we head into 2024, our logo is evolving as well. Here’s what to expect.

  • We’re changing our name slightly, from APEX Race Parts to Apex Wheels, as we are now fully dedicated to wheels. Most of our customers have referred to us as Apex Wheels since the beginning.
  • When will we begin seeing this logo?
    • You’ll begin seeing our new logo immediately across our website and social channels.
    • On the wheels themselves, you’ll see our new logo rollout after old stock has sold out, and new stock comes in. There’s healthy stock of most wheels so it may take months before the new logo shows up on the packaging or product.
  • How will Apex products change?
    • On Flow Formed wheels, you’ll see this logo on the provided center cap and packaging.
    • On Forged wheels, you’ll see this logo on the provided center cap as well as new engravings in the wheel.
  • How do we know which logo the wheels I order will use?
    • For the coming months, all wheels will continue to ship with the older logo. Product will start to ship with this logo in 2024.
  • Is anything else changing?
    • The overall look of our brand will slowly be changing over the coming months. There will be a big website update later this year. The features of our wheels will remain the same.
  • Can we buy center caps with the new logo for my existing Apex wheels?
    • Absolutely! In the coming months, the new cap will be available and sold separately. We will also continue to stock the old caps long after the new logo is available for those who want replacements or those who like the classic styling.

Thank you for being an Apex Wheels customer, we look forward to working with you!

Apex Wheels

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