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Choose from our downloadable logo files and follow logo use from our brand guidelines. These resources are here to help you use our brand and assets, including our logo, content and trademarks. There is no need to negotiate legal agreements if used properly.

Logo Usage Guidelines

To make any use of our marks in a way not covered by these guidelines, please contact us at and include a visual mockup of intended use.

Primary Logotype

Use the primary logotype as the main representation of the brand in most contexts, ensuring consistent and prominent brand identity across various platforms.

Logotype Construction and Clear Space

Clear Space is the area surrounding the mark. It should be kept free of any visual elements, including text, graphics, borders, patterns or other logos. The clear space on all sides should be at least half of the x-height of the logotype.


  • In brand executions where the logotype or lockup have already been used, this mark can be used to provide graphic variety.
  • For social media profile pictures, website favicons, and other digital applications where a smaller, simplified version of the logo is required for better visibility and recognition.
  • In situations where the full primary logo is too large or dominant, and a more compact and subtle representation of the brand is needed.

Mark Construction and Clear Space

Clear Space is the area surrounding the mark. It should be kept free of any visual elements, including text, graphics, borders, patterns or other logos. Clear Space is measured in relation to “x”. X = the height of the top area between the a track and the border of the circle. Minimum Clear Space should be equal to or greater than “x” on all four sides of the mark.


  • While we advocate for using the logotype in most applications, the secondary brand lockup can be employed in certain instances to offer more variety and visual appeal.
  • Consider using the lockup in executions that are mostly black and white and would benefit from a pop of color.

Mark Construction and Clear Space

The lockup is constructed by placing the mark at the same distance as the width of the “A” leg in the logotype. The height of the mark is the same as the height of the logotype. The clear space on all sides of the lockups should be at least half of the x-height of the logotype.


The mark, logotype, and lockup should never be hard to see or read. To ensure this, never use the logotype or mark at sizes smaller than the minimum sizes specified to the right.

Incorrect Usage

  1. Do not apply a stroke to the logo.
  2. Do not apply a drop shadow to the logo.
  3. Do not apply a non brand color to the logo
  4. Do not rotate the logo.
  5. Do not add a bounding box or any other graphic elements to the logo.
  6. Do not warp or distort the logo in any way.
  7. Do not rearrange the elements of the logo.
  8. Do not use the logo as a framing device.